Pat & Dean - Senior Move
Last spring, we had the good fortune to work with Pat and Dean as they transitioned from their lovely home on the lake to a beautiful apartment in a brand-new Senior Community…
Why Use A Local Locator To Find A Senior Community?
Usually some type of event happens that brings a family and a senior community together. A broken hip, heart attack, dementia diagnosis. Life is moving really fast, you need to get your loved one taken care of. Home is no longer safe. Your first instinct will probably be to go to Google. I would caution…
Jon and You
Part of what makes my husband, Jon, so suited for our work is his uncanny ability to see what is so and size up what is needed. He misses neither the forest nor the trees. He hears what is being said plainly and not so plainly. His instincts and observations are spot on. His recommendations…
Essential Next Steps: Our Personal Journey
We started Essential Next Steps after working with our parents. My mother-in-law passed away unexpectedly after complications from surgery. She had done a beautiful job and given the great gift to her children of having her affairs in order. She provided a clear roadmap of how her estate was to be settled. My husband and…
When is the best time to make major change? The answer is simple though not necessarily easy. When you are in control is the best time to make change. To maintain our best self, it is essential that we author our own narrative. We say when we will do what. Life will challenge that no…