Pat & Dean - Senior Move
Last spring, we had the good fortune to work with Pat and Dean as they transitioned from their lovely home on the lake to a beautiful apartment in a brand-new Senior Community…
The Emotional Hurdle
I always think I’ll say the perfect thing so that someone hears what he/she needs. The magic of my words will break through the grid lock, lift the fog, provide that moment of clarity. Then, the right decision can be made. Rather arrogant on my part, don’t you think? What I’ve come to realize is…
To Move or Not To Move – Points To Ponder
You’re thinking about moving, your kids have been talking to you about it. You don’t want to move, but maybe you should. You’re looking for that clear sign. Please don’t let it be a broken hip. Here are some things to think about. What is important if you stay put? Does the location of…