Too Many Chefs

too many chefs - design team

We are all familiar with the saying, “Too many chefs spoil the broth.” Too many people working to control or influence the final outcome can diminish rather than enhance the result. Too many people, even with the best of intentions, frequently muddy the process.

Moving to a new space can present a challenge. The reason behind the move can make it more so - divorce, empty nesting, health issues, loss. During these times “the chefs,” (family and friends) want to help, offer support, make the process easier. They want you to have what you want. This can lead to suggesting you take what your new space can’t hold. Out of love and affection, they want you to take that painting, mirror, chair, china and stuffed animal you hold so dear.

The issue is your new space is different from your current space and it simply won’t accommodate everything you want to take. While it will hold your memories; it won’t hold all your stuff.

What to do?

Listen to your Master Chef. Your Master Chef may be the friend who always tells you the truth. It is more frequently a professional downsizing coach or move manager. Your Master Chef, while honoring and including the past, is focused on your future. The professional will make sure your home is beautiful, accommodating and safe with clear walkways, closets you can navigate, cupboards and cabinets that are organized, not crammed, furniture that is beautifully placed, and art expertly hung. It will be beautiful. It will feel like yours. And it will be home. 


Dry January, but For Stuff


Pat & Dean - Senior Move